Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Five: September 13, 2013

We are wasting food.
One-third of food wasted worldwide, U.N. says
"The world throws away one-third of food produced yearly, making food waste the third-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions behind those produced by the U.S. and China, according to a U.N. report released Wednesday.
The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization study found 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted every year, contributing to economic losses that total $750 billion yearly."

We are wasting energy.
Energy Fact Check: Energy efficiency
"In the U.S., over 50% of all energy produced is wasted due to inefficiency. In 2012, the U.S. used approximately 95.1 quadrillion BTUs (“quads”) of energy, including electricity generation and transportation fuels. 58.1 quads of energy were “rejected” or not used due to ineffective production and consumption methods."

We are wasting farmland.
Dust bowl worries swirl up as Shelterbelt buckles
"Many of the farmers who saw the benefits of those shelterbelts are gone. Piercey says the trees used to be essential, but they were also burdensome. He also says agriculture has improved and modern soil conservation is much better now.
Still, if cycles of drought continue in the Great Plains, Murray worries about what the loss of those trees will mean. 'Sure, we got some new farming practice out there ... but this ground will still move,' he says."

We are wasting space, resources, and money.
Parking rules raise your rent
"Los Angeles’s ARO experience illustrates another important lesson: deregulating parking eliminates neither on-site parking nor its construction. It simply allows developers and residents to come up with innovative solutions to the age-old question of where to park. It lets millions of individual actors making daily decisions about alternatives and costs determine how much parking gets built, rather than expecting city councils and a few officials in planning departments to decide how much parking to build based on nonexistent theory or divine revelation. Parking deregulation lets residents decide how much they’re willing to pay to park, how far they’re willing to walk to park, and ultimately how much it’s worth to them to own a car that needs parking."

And we are wasting time.
GOP energy bill amendment would block EPA carbon regulations
"And Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) is demanding a vote on his plan that would require the president, the vice president and political appointees, along with members of Congress and their staff, to use the ObamaCare health exchanges, among other provisions.
Vitter is blocking lawmakers from securing votes on amendments unless he gets a vote on his plan, either as an amendment to the energy bill or separately."

Happy Friday!

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