Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Flashes: October 30, 2013...Happy Green Halloween!

Halloween costume edition:
Sure, you should make sure to reuse as many parts and pieces of clothing or material from your house, then return them to their original use instead of tossing them.  When you have to use consumable material, make sure it is 100% recycled content and 100% recyclable.  Most importantly, though, have some fun with eco-themed costumes.  Here are some of the best ideas from other experts over the past decade:

[Added note for parents: Do NOT make your green statement through your kids.  You can discourage store-bought, landfill-destined costumes, but don't dress them up as an oiled otter, or dead polar bear to suit your needs.  Instead, make as much of their costume yourself.  Although I think for kids that the concept of fairies is a great path to thinking about nature, my daughter is going to be Tinkerbell for a very novel reason....she likes Tinkerbell.  To reuse as much as we could, we took an old pair of shoes and sparkled them up instead of buying new ones.  Also, we have every one of her four costumes and regularly loan to friends.]
  • For the crafty:
CFL bulb.
Wear shiny white body suit and electrify hair in some way (Bride of Frank wig?). Build CFL filament around yourself, using white foam tubes, stuffed white fabric/socks, or white balloons.

Don dun clothing with the following attached by tape or thread: lots of garbage, toy bulldozer, seagulls, trash pickers, or, for international credit, houses. (Methane torches with fake fire can add a nice touch as well.)
  • For those willing to poke a bit of fun at their environmentalism:
Prius owner.
Dress in clean, tasteful clothing and walk around with contented air, holding Prius key casually at chin level (paint small matchbox black and write “Prius” in shiny letters or, if you have actual Prius, write “Prius” on key). Stuff pockets to overflowing with money saved on gas. (For those who have South Park-saavy friends, occasionally smell your own flatulence.)

Here is a simple costume to make a major statement. Wear a solid white, black or blue color outfit. Cut out or purchase scrap book letter C’s, attach them to your clothes with safety pins starting at your shoes and ankles, rising up your legs, arms and torso making sure they all bunch up around your neck.

Al Gore bitten by polar bear.
Find Al Gore mask (eBay?) or pomade hair and add cardboard armature to chin area. Attach stuffed polar animal by mouth to humorous body area of your choosing.

  • For those who want to highlight green but not be as political about it:

  • Tree Hugger
    Attach yourself to a tree pillow or log pillow and hug away.

    Green Party.
    There will probably be plenty of Halloween party-goers this year dressed as one of the year's headline-grabbing (usually in the not-so-good-sense) Republicans or Democrats. Why not do something different by promoting a third-party option, and see if fellow partiers can figure out what you're supposed to be? Just throw on all the green-colored party gear you can -- hat, leis, banners, balloons, buttons, noise-makers, etc. -- and let the guessing begin.

  • For those who want an easily accessible, creative idea with a minimum of fuss and little waste:

  • French kiss:
    If you're just looking for an innocent make-out, be a French kiss: dress up like a Frenchman and paint your face like Gene Simmons. (Tongue NOT optional.)

    Mixed greens
    Wear all your green-colored clothes at once, and borrow your friends' for even more variety.

    Enjoy the journey!

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